Hygan Filter Solution
Hygan having its experience in overcoming air pollution control in the form of dust, fume, oil mist and oil smoke. Hygan cleans polluted air at its source. Source types such as :
- Dust Collector and Dust Suppression for industrial processes
- Fume Collector for welding processes
- Oil Mist Collector for CNC & other metal works
- Industrial Vacuum for Heavy Material or High Pressure requirement
We Have different Filter Unit for different dust, That designed for specific processes and application in the different industries. We focus on providing the best solution for your work environment to be clean and safe.

Sales Design Engineering
Our Sales Engineers ensures that the products meets the customers goals and criterias
Survey, Design & Installation
We have highly experienced Engineers that specializes in many fields.
Product & Sparepart Supply
We ensure that the products runs 24/7 with spare parts availability
Existing Maintenance Service
We ensure that the existing products are well maintained with our custom plans
Improvement Services
Our engineers also provides further product improvements, if any. To provide better efficiencies
Our Products
Air Pollution Control
Polusi udara adalah sebuah kondisi dimana udara di lingkungan tercemar oleh partikel / kontaminant yang dapat membahayakan bagi tubuh manusia ataupun lingkungan.
read moreIndustrial Vaccuum
Unit Vacuum digunakan untuk mengatasi debu yang jatuh ke permukaan ataupun material berat yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi seperti metal chip, dan wood chip.
read morePiping & Ducting
Piping dan ducting adalah equipment yang memastikan udara kontaminant tertransfer ke cleaning device.
read moreCleanroom Equipment
A cleanroom or clean room is an engineered space, which maintains a very low concentration of airborne particulates.
read moreExplosion Protection
Explosion protection is used to protect all sorts of buildings and civil engineering infrastructure against internal and external explosions or deflagrations.
read moreAir Purification System
Pada beberapa proses produksi, udara dibutuhkan untuk penggerak dan cleaning. Oleh karena itu, udara bersih menjadi kebutuhan pokok untuk proses tersebut.
read moreExpansion Joint & Composite Hose
Expansion Joint and Composite Hose are used extensively throughout many industries for a wide variety of applications including the conveying of materials and gases, mechanical protection, pipeline movement control and vibration absorption.
read moreService & Spareparts Maintenance
We provide 24/7 customer support and a wide range of aftersales services. We do special retrofits, product improvement and on/off site maintenances. We also plan out special preventive maintenance cases for each of our products installed.
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with applied services.
on number of industries.
on various competitions.
from all around the world.